Udo has Eurovision Song ready

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Singer Udo Mechels, in 2014, still one of the public darlings during eurosong, claims to have a ‘ typical Eurovision Song ‘. He wrote it originally for Conchita Wurst, but the diva refused the song. Itself take part in the Eurovision Song Contest and the whole party win, remains one of Udo’s goals as a singer.

Udo does his story in an interview with All Day: ‘ I have a typical Eurovision Song in my slide. I wrote it for Conchita Wurst. ‘t would not fit in my voice. I have the song twice submitted to Wurst, but it didn’t fit with her video clip. I just wait on a country with the right participant for my number. ‘

‘ I sing myself yet, but would like to now concentrate more on writing ‘, he continues. ‘ The only thing I have absolutely as singer wants to do is winthe Eurovision song contest. It doesn’t even have to be for Belgium. I would feel free to in duet with Marco Borsato on the song contest. We would anyone omverblazen with our votes. ‘

Udo as one of the Favorites took part in eurosong 2014 and surprised everyone with its emotional Ne partez pas sans moi ‘s version of Céline Dion. Are actual Eurovision Song Heroes was not really in the taste, leaving him unexpectedly in the final of the Flemish for round does not. His latest single is called Flash.
