’: ‘ With ‘ over the phone about eurosong amateurs to EK ’

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Marcel Vanthilt might have in a straitjacket, chained and mouth taped up in eurosong 2016 should be increased, the former juror has a opinion. In the latest news he gave an interview in which he the candidates not saves.

The ever-dreaded eurosong-juror, that was the role of Marcel Vanthilt in the editions 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008. This time he was literally gagged last Sunday.

That did not stop him not to in the latest news are Frank opinions about the selection. ‘ It is, to say the least strange what the VRT does. The song contest is the European Championships. We will send beginners and amateurs, that is asking for trouble. In sports like swimming, football or athletics is something unthinkable. It’s incredible that no one here questions ‘, sounds his judgment.

Over the Netherlands where one refers to recently still could book success. ‘ Anouk and Ilse DeLange are artists who tried and tested. There get your penalty results with it. Take France: Patricia Kaas if you get to go … That’s a real superstar. I would still go if there is a suitable number yourself, why not? ‘ says over the phone.