Kiev 2017

official slogan and logo revealed
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The official logo and slogan for the Eurovision Song Contest in Kiev were unveiled today. Celebrate Diversity will be the theme of the upcoming Eurovision song contest.
According to the EBU the slogan and logo reflect the image of the Ukrainian culture and give them a hint of what awaits fans during the upcoming Eurovision song contest in May. The Executive Supervisor of the Eurovision Song Contest, Jon Ola Sand, sums up the theme as follows: ‘ the theme of diversity builds on the theme of last year, Come Together. It is at the heart of European values, it’s about all European countries and reaches even beyond. We will join forces to celebrate our unique differences and fantastic music. ‘
The logo is based on a Ukrainian necklace, the Namysto. It’s more than just a jewel, since it is a protective amulet and a symbol of beauty and health. The necklace is made of different beads, each with their own characteristics and design. These beads are for variety and individuality.
‘ The logo combines tradition and modern elements. It reflects the Ukrainian society and is the leitmotif of the Eurovision Song Contest ‘, did Executive producer Victoria Roma nova there still to add.
The EBU has made a movie with an overview of the slogans of the previous years: