Returns to Eurovision in Luxembourg 2018 back?

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Striking news from our smallest neighbour, Luxembourg. In the course of the coming months, the Government of the Grand Duchy of the possibilities to return to the Eurovision Song Contest, where it has sent only his cat to since 1993.

The news hit last Tuesday. The official petition Commission of the Luxembourg Parliament approved when a submitted petition promoting good to once again to take part in the song contest. There were sufficient signatures to force the Government to go through the options.

This dialogue will be held in collaboration with RTL, the Luxembourg broadcasting. That made to the English language Eurovision website Eurovoix already known by all means not to return next year. With the news of the parliamentary discussion, there seems to be now suddenly an opening to 2018 of the party. More news is expected in the coming weeks and months.

It would be exactly a quarter of a century ago that the Luxembourgers present signed on the Eurovision song contest. In 1993 the country was 20th with the Group Modern Times. Luxembourg was up to in the 80 ‘s a strong player in the match, with a total of five posted victories: in 1961 with Jean-Claude Pascal, in 1965 with France Gall, in 1972 with Vicky Leandros, in 1973 with Anne-Marie David (photo) and 1983, with Corinne Hermès.