
Girls O’G3NE with their father’s song to Eurovision?
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The participation of the girls from O’G3NE to the Eurovision Song Contest in Kiev 2017 could well be a complete family affair. Their father, Rick full, works itself to a potential submission. Fr. Rick made already for their biggest hit, Magic. The Dutch delegation also approached other songwriters, there were even two special writers camps organized.
The sisters talked about their search for the perfect song in an interview with the Dutch weekly magazine Story: ‘ We’d like to sing a ballad . Our father also writes a song, but that’s not to say that he most likely. We are professional enough to listen to the songs objectively. ‘ It is true that Rick full of all different songs for his daughters wrote, so it’s no surprise that he in his pen is crawled.
‘ Impressive songs ‘
The team behind the Dutch Eurovision entry focuses not just on the song by Papa O’G3NE . The last few days there were two special writers camps organised at which both national and international composers presented their songs to Lisa, Shelley and Amy. O’G3NE placed on facebook a group photo. They have camp during the “beautiful, bold and impressive” songs heard. Only one song will be bombed to the song. In may 2017 they don’t want an immediate album release. ‘ We see our participation not as something another Hallmark holiday. We’re going there to win. The rest is irrelevant, “says Shelley.
Publication in February or March
According to the Dutch Eurovision weblog will want only in February or March . Despite the rapid publication of their participation they get sufficient time to prepare for: ‘ we always honestly that we were not approached. There we need never lie. On 25 October, we pass by AVRO called TROS, two days later was the plunge. It was our condition that it would be made known immediately. We did not want lying if the question would be appreciated. ‘
💥 SONGWRITERS BEDANKT !💥Dag 2 van ons Songfestival Writerscamp zit erop, (sorry schrijvers van gisteren, vergeten een…
Geplaatst door OG3NE op woensdag 7 december 2016