Kiev 2017


one of the 22 participants to ‘ San Remo ‘

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Yesterday evening on Italian television announced that the 22 participants at the Festival of San Remo will participate in the C-category. Rai, the Italian broadcaster, the winner of the festival the opportunity to participate in the Eurovision song contest in Ukraine. That candidate may refuse that offer, what happened for example in 2016. Most of the participants are quite well known and popular in Italy. Singer Al Bano took part in the Eurovision Song Contest twice.

San Remo runs over several nights with the grand final on 11 February. The winner may in principle immediately participate in the Eurovision song contest, but is not required. That makes the Festival of San Remo no real heat is. It is rather a stand-alone show where the winner possibly pops up on the ESF. Stadio won the last edition of the Italian show, but refused to take part in the Eurovision song contest in Stockholm. Francesca Michielin, who finished second, said next to business to Sweden. With No Degree of Separation she continued in Stockholm stuck at a sixteenth place. Anyway: chances are that we will see one of the below names back in Kiev.

Al BanoDi rose e di spine
Elodie Tutta colpa mia
Paola TurciFatti bella per te
Samuel Vedrai
Fiorella MannoiaChe sia benedetta
Nesli & Alice PabaDo retta a te
Michele BraviIl diario dei errori
Fabrizio Moro Portami via
Giusy FerreriFatalmente mae
Gigi D’AlessioLa prima stella
Raige & Giulia LuziTogliamoci la voglia
Ron L’ottava meraviglia
Ermal Meta Vietato morire
Michele ZarrilloMani nelle mani
Lodovica Comello Il cielo non mi basta
Sergio SylvestreCon te
Clementino Ragazzi fuori
Alessio Bernabei In mezzo di un applauso
Francesco GabbaniOccidentali’s Karma
Chiara Nessun posto è casa mia
Bianca AtzeiOra esisti solo tu
Marco Masini Spostato di un secondo

Al Bano Romina Power , along with his wife, took twice participated in the song festival, in 1976 and 1985. They were seventh. The man now takes for the 15th (!) times in San Remo. Other famous and ‘ big ‘ clappers are Lodovica Comello, Gigi D’Alessio, Giulia Luzi and especially Fiorella Mannoia.


To the 67th Edition so 22 artists take part, that there are two more than expected. The selection procedure is unchanged and remains fairly complex. There is a distinction between the categories C, with established artists who participate and whose winner goes to the song festival, Nuove proposte, and with new talents. An overview:

VerloopCampioniNuove ProposteStemsysteem
Dinsdag 7 februariDe 22 kandidaten brengen hun nieuwe song. De stemming wordt geopend en loopt door tot aan het einde van donderdagavond.-Een persjury (50%) en televoting (50%)
Woensdag 8 februariElf van de twintig kandidaten brengen hun nieuwe song. De top zes gaat naar de finale.Vier kandidaten brengen hun song. De top twee gaat naar de finale.Een persjury (50%) en televoting (50%)
Donderdag 9 februariElf van de twintig kandidaten brengen hun nieuwe song. De top zes gaat naar de finale.Vier kandidaten brengen hun song. De top twee gaat naar de finale.Een persjury (50%) en televoting (50%)
Vrijdag 10 februariDe 22 kandidaten coveren een bekende song. De top twaalf van de stemmingen van de afgelopen avonden samen gaat door naar de finale. Voor de tien afvallers gaan de stemlijnen opnieuw open, tot zaterdagavond.De vier finalisten brengen hun song, waarna de eindwinnaar gekozen wordt.Een vakjury (30%), een panel van muziekfans (30%) en televoting (40%)
Zaterdag 11 februariDe top drie van de afvallers wordt aangekondigd en vervoegt de twaalf finalisten. In totaal zijn er dus vijftien. De top drie gaat door naar de superfinale, waarna daaruit de eindwinnaar gekozen wordt. Dat gebeurt telkens met hetzelfde stemsysteem hier rechts in de tabel.-Een vakjury (30%), een panel van muziekfans (30%) en televoting (40%)