Stockholm 2016

Rules of Eurovision 2016 released
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The EBU has on the website of the Eurovision Song contest the official rules posted for the 61st Edition, which in Stockholm next year. There are no significant changes, although some things though.
The proposal of the host broadcaster SVT broadcast one hour to be brought forward, got no hearing: start next year the two semifinals and the final to 9 pm Central European time, on Tuesday 10, Thursday 12 and 14 May next year. That are identical the same dates as those of the festival in Dusseldorf, in 2011.
Songs may still take up to three minutes, up to six people on stage and all votes must live. The rumor mill had it that the SVT had worked to the rules of her Melodifestivalen also for round by pulling to the Eurovision song contest. In the preliminary round, eight people allowed, and may vote by background singers on tape.
After several scandals at jury votes in some countries, with for example the jury vote Montenegro still deleted was because the jurors would have to similar arrangements, some thought that the system would change. But that doesn’t happen: every country has a jury with five jury members, and their full arrangements will be made public on the website of the Eurovision song contest, after the final.
The maximum number of participating countries is set at 46. In the rules is postulated that a maximum of 26 countries will be in the finals next year, what a participation or an automatic final spot for Australia from would close. But it all seems not as final, because the number of degree places in the finale may ‘ be adjusted depending on circumstances ‘. So it is still not completely unthinkable that we also get a participation of Down Under next year. Or how the rules of the EBU also very elastic.
The complete rules here (in English) can be further uitgevlooid.