

Mag singer Yulia Samoilova in Ukraine?

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There is still no end to the soap around the controversial Russian participation in the Eurovision song contest in Ukraine. The local security service now interfering with the case.

That Russia will effectively join in, yesterday out of nowhere was confirmed by the local broadcaster. Singer Yulia Samoilova was internally referred to, along with her song Flame is Burning. But it’s not over yet: Samoilova in may may be not allowed in Kiev.

The Ukrainian Pravda news medium comes with the news that the Russian singer gave a concert on the Crimea, the disputed area to the South of Ukraine that is claimed by both countries and was the scene of a civil war in the host country of the Eurovision 2017. Artists who perform in Crimea may by definition the (other) do not enter Ukrainian territory.

Elena Gitlyanskaya, the spokeswoman for the Ukrainian Security Service, has left a comment on facebook about the affair:

У відповідь на численні запити журналістів з приводу Юлії Самойлової, хочу наголосити: #СБУ вивчить питання та ухвалить…

Geplaatst door Гітлянська Олена op maandag 13 maart 2017

‘ In response to numerous questions from journalists about Julia Samoilova, I want to stress that the security service will examine the issue and make an informed decision will take on the access [Samoilova’s] to the territory of Ukraine ‘, write Gitlyanskaya.

For the time being, Russia is scheduled to take part in the second semifinal of the Eurovision song contest, on Thursday 11 May. Today and tomorrow in Kiev the 43 heads of delegation meeting of the place. It is not known whether Russia is there or not represented.